I have a terrible, terrible habit as a cook. Actually, I have many terrible habits as a cook, as I’m sure you all know by now, not least of which is my complete inability to follow a recipe even when…
Category: Recipes
Recipe: Baked Ricotta
Today is horrendously hot, and the next two days threaten to be worse. I have therefore spent the afternoon… cooking. No, really, bear with me, it isn’t as mad as it sounds. Cooking in this weather can only be described…
Recipe: Vanilla and Carob Castle Cake
Hello! Have you missed me? I’ve missed you, she says, feelingly, looking at her terrifying list of un-read blog posts. I’ve got a few posts to catch up on, but I’m still rather exhausted from the confectionery and also from…
Recipe: Summer Apricot and Lavender Crumble (gluten-free!)
I am such a lunatic right now. I’m bouncing off the walls and giggling madly at the completely insane set of tasks ahead of me this month. And then someone sends me an email mentioning shiny metallic food paint and…
Recipe: Coburg Garden Cake
Brunswick and Coburg, the suburbs in which I have lived most of my adult life, were both settled from the 1950s onward by working class immigrants from Italy, Greece, Turkey and other parts of the Mediterranean. The proof of this…
Recipe: Warm Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Salad
So I was minding my own business at work this Friday (and I apologise once again for the dearth of posts here, but work has been *crazy*) when I got an SMS from Andrew: “Do you have a recipe for…
Recipe: Pistachio and Cardamom Kourabiedes
I intended to go to the Food Bloggers’ picnic in Melbourne today, but just couldn’t drag myself out of bed again today. And then I spent the day alternating between lurching, zombie-like around the house, and feverishly baking because I…
Recipe: Too Tired To Cook Veggies and Cheese on Toast
Tomorrow is my RDO, and I have every intention of spending it sleeping, because the last few weeks have been brutal. It isn’t that I don’t enjoy socialising, but it has been pretty relentless, both at home and at work.…
Recipe: Rosy Berries with Mascarpone and Yoghurt
Apparently, raspberries, blackberries and roses are all part of the same botanical family. You can sort of tell, if you are paying attention – they bicker over who started it, embarrass each other in front of boyfriends by loudly anticipating…
Recipe: Chocolate and Raspberry Truffle Cake
I know, I know, it’s chocolate and raspberries again. I have no imagination. But it’s such a delicious flavour combination! This cake was made on the rather flimsy excuse of the recent Rugby World Cup. We had a tipping competition,…