Category: Uncategorized

Quick apology post

This blog has been rather quiet recently, and I’m afraid it will continue to be quiet for the next couple of weeks – I am sitting a singing exam on September 9th, so currently all those waking hours which are…

Things I probably should not know about:

Picaken. A pie inside a cake. See, now I know that such abominations exist, it’s become absolutely imperative that I make one.  I think we all know this is how it works.  The only question is on what occasion.  And…

Recipe Index Update

OK, I’ve just brought my Recipe Index up to date.  I hope.  Firefox crashed on me part-way through, but I think I found everything again. Note to self: update your recipe index more than once every four months or you…


Remember that evil jelly from Pericles?  And how I planned to have it with berries and cream and meringues for dessert when we had people to dinner the next day? Well, I did.  And it was fabulous.  Also, beautiful. I…

Good Food Day

Quite a nice food day today.  For one thing, my copy of Hermé’s Macarons arrived this morning, so I got to spend a significant portion of my day at work being an Evil Temptress and making people drool over both…