Here goes nothing…

Sorry about the dearth of posts.  I’ve been sick this week, and the best things I’ve cooked have all been the sort of re-invented leftovers that are difficult to blog about (I will endeavour to do so, however). Anyway, this…

Recipe: Roast Potatoes with No Photos (Because we ATE THEM ALL)

No, I didn’t eat the photos.  I haven’t even eaten these potatoes all that recently, which is a tragedy, because they are possibly my favourite food in the world.  And, actually, I probably do have photos of these potatoes somewhere,…

Recipe: Jasmine and Orange Blossom Cupcakes for Sensitive Souls

Another day, another fundraiser at work (and another cupcake recipe on this blog), and since I am now officially She Who Bakes Allergy-Friendly Foods, I had to come up with something gluten-free and vegan that my friends could eat… The…