(NB: still no idea what’s happening with shifting web-hosting, which is making me reluctant to post much here just now, in case I hit exactly the wrong window and it all gets deleted. Sorry. I had no idea it would…
Review: Degustation Menu at Budapest Restaurant, Elsternwick
(Yeah, I don’t know what’s happening with the move either. I’ll keep you posted. But on the bright side, my new website for all things musical is now up and running at Cate Sings, and I even have plans for…
Here goes nothing…
Sorry about the dearth of posts. I’ve been sick this week, and the best things I’ve cooked have all been the sort of re-invented leftovers that are difficult to blog about (I will endeavour to do so, however). Anyway, this…
Farmers’ Market: Asparagus, Cookbooks, and Gratuitous Opera
This gallery contains 12 photos →
Recipe: Roast Potatoes with No Photos (Because we ATE THEM ALL)
No, I didn’t eat the photos. I haven’t even eaten these potatoes all that recently, which is a tragedy, because they are possibly my favourite food in the world. And, actually, I probably do have photos of these potatoes somewhere,…
Recipe: Jasmine and Orange Blossom Cupcakes for Sensitive Souls
Another day, another fundraiser at work (and another cupcake recipe on this blog), and since I am now officially She Who Bakes Allergy-Friendly Foods, I had to come up with something gluten-free and vegan that my friends could eat… The…