Category: Special occasions

Showing the working out…

This is mostly notes for my own nefarious, wedding-cake-making purposes, so I’m going to put most of it under a cut.  But if you enjoy reading the convoluted workings of my brain when trying to calculate food and allergy things,…

Chocoholic Walk in Melbourne

I’ve been a bit of an absentee blogger of late, largely due to extreme tiredness, which is not conducive to exciting cooking.  One of the reasons for this is probably the Global Corporate Challenge, which I am currently participating in…

Blog Birthday!

A year ago today, I sat down at my computer and wrote my first blog post here at Cate’s Cates. And then, because I can’t shut up, I wrote my first recipe a couple of hours later. And because I…

Coriolanus Cookery – thinking out loud

I’m trying to figure out my menu for Sunday’s Shakespeare, and finding it unusually difficult (it doesn’t help that I’m a bit under the weather this week.  I actually have a really impressively revolting Shakespearean euphemism for my current condition,…

Further to last night’s post…

There were six people. I think I may have slightly overcatered. Just slightly. This is why it is dangerous for me to own books like The Perfect Scoop.  Because I really do want to make every single thing in them……

Quiet New Year’s Eve…?

I wasn’t *having* a New Year’s Eve Party this year, on the grounds of exhaustion and really evil hormones. So why is it that I have somehow spent today making chocolate ice-cream and marshmallows and honeycomb and meringues and spiced…