I’m still working my way through McGee On Food and Cooking. Honestly, this book is a treasure trove. I’ve ordered my copy and I can’t wait for it to arrive. At the moment, I’m in the vegetables chapter, which is…
Recipe: Tropical Chocolate and Amaranth Cake
This recipe is the unnatural spawn of three different recipes – one in Veganomicon, for a low-fat vegan chocolate cake, one in 366 Delicious Ways To Cook Rice, Beans and Grains (which, incidentally, is an incredibly useful cookbook if you…
Show-off post: Cross Dressing Ken goes Vegan and Gluten Free
My friend G has had a friend visiting for the last few weeks, and when she came around for dinner at our house a fortnight ago, she enquired about the tankard which contains Ken’s top half (his legs float around…
Recipe: Roast Garlic and White Bean Chilli
Photographic evidence of Cross-Dressing Ken’s latest cake adventures will be up later this evening, but I just need to get this recipe down before I forget what I did! This is another vegan chilli recipe, but this time it’s gluten…
Review: The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals, by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
You may have noticed that one of the few dietary requirements I don’t pay much attention to on this blog is Kosher law (Halal also misses out, which is somewhat astonishing, given where I live). Of course, since most of…
Recipe: Vegetarian Chilli
DON’T FORGET TO SOAK YOUR BEANS! (putting them in to soak before you go to work in the morning is fine) This recipe is adapted from one of the Moosewood Cookbooks – I’m afraid I can’t recall which, as I…