I’ve referenced this book at least ten times already in this blog, and I’ve adapted dozens of recipes from it for various occasions. So it’s definitely time I reviewed it. I’m going to start by saying that I’m not a…
Am I the only one who gets excited about leftovers? Not eating them as they are, cold from the fridge, but their promise, their potential, that lovely sense of having lunch or dinner taken care of, or of having a…
Recipe: Raspberry, Soy and Coconut Ice-cream
This recipe comes more or less directly from Veganomicon, with a little extra verbiage from me. I’m afraid you do need a blender and an icecream maker for this – I suppose in a pinch you could put everything through…
Proof of concept?
It turns out that I can make marshmallows. It also transpires that I can make an unbelievable mess in the kitchen and emerge covered in a mixture of cornflour and icing sugar. This is not as tasty as it sounds.…
Recipe: Chocolate and Berry Brownies (Gluten-Free & Vegan)
I am so ridiculously proud of these brownies. They are richly, deeply chocolatey with sharp, acidic raspberries and mellow blackberry jam in the background, and did I mention that they are magnificently chocolatey? They are incredibly easy and fast to…
Show off post: Dinner party!

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