You all knew, didn’t you, that once I had seen Not Quite Nigella’s post on buttermaking, it would only be a matter of time before I had to start fiddling with it? In fact, by the time I got up…
Recipe: Pasta Carbonara, my way
My father’s family is from the Basilicata region of Italy, and even after moving to Australia, my Nonna and Nonno would make their own sausage every year. I think one of my great-uncles kept pigs, or maybe just one pig…
Ceci n’est pas un blog post…
It’s just a direction to all food lovers to go and check out Not Quite Nigella’s post on making butter from scratch. A little bit easier than in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s day, that’s for sure (did other people spend their…
Review: Gingerbread: Timeless Recipes for Cakes, Cookies, Desserts, Ice Cream, and Candy, by Jennifer Lindner McGlinn
Do I actually need to do more to review this book than tell you the title? Because really, what could be more gorgeously hunger-inspiring than an entire book of gingerbread recipes – cakes, loaves, biscuits, pancakes, caramels, icecreams, and anything…
Adopting a pet
I’m seriously considering starting a sourdough culture. (Yes, the Corinna Chapman book got me again.) Actually, it would be more accurate to say, I’m seriously considering *attempting* to start a sourdough culture, since I gather this is easier said than…
Review: Earthly Delights, by Kerry Greenwood
No, my blog hasn’t been hacked, and Earthly Delights is, despite the lurid cover, relevant to a food blog. Bear with me while I explain… A year or two ago, when my husband had just finished reading the latest book …