Today is the first day of my holidays, which means that I am exhausted to the point that I spent about ten minutes wandering around the kitchen at lunchtime today dithering about how to make a salad and continually opening…
Recipe: Bulgur Wheat and Mushroom Burgers
I’ve been meaning for a while to post a recipe from Vegetarian Suppers from Deborah Madison’s Kitchen, to go with the review I wrote. It’s actually very hard to choose just one, but these burgers are are a recipe I…
Not a proper recipe for not entirely Greek Salad
I think I may have to start a section of this journal for recipes that aren’t proper recipes but which people ask me for. You know, for recipes like pasta bolognese or fruit crumble, which are a handful of this,…
The Australian Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake Book – An Illustrated and Nostalgic Review

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Recipe: Date and Pistachio Petits Fours (Mersu)
Inspired by The Silk Road Gourmet’s Mesopotamian Cookoff, I went a little crazy in the kitchen today and made not one, not two, but three versions of Mersu. The sum of the Mersu recipe was “Ingredients: dates and pistachios”. The…
On a date with ancient ingredients: in which Catherine is clearly nuts
Yes, I know that’s a terrible, terrible blog title. I’m afraid I have no self-control when it comes to puns. Anyway, my very brilliant friend A alerted me to the Ancient Mesopotamia Cookoff Challenge. And rightly so, because trying to…